Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Curious George and the Stem Cell Veto

Still, it seems, no matter how promising the situation seems (as neutered, unreliable, and confidence-less as our incompetent Tsar is), we cannot get things done. Curious George vetoed a stem-cell bill today, proving once again that we are still stifled by Christianity as a 1,000-hp diesel truck with a boulder chained to it is stifled on the Autobahn.

The Republican party also took another major blow yesterday: One of its most intelligent members (it's not hard to achieve that in the party these days), Michael Bloomberg, mayor of NYC, defected to an independent position. Bloomberg, also happened to be a major thoughtcriminal within the party - pro-choice, pro-environment. Many are speculating the possibility that he might run for President, but I'm more interested in ideological scruples.

I can only speculate, much like anyone else, but the dissatisfaction amongst voters, and, much more probably, the combination of utter hubris, arrogance, incompetence, sycophancy, and rampant corruption, could have left Mr Bloomberg utterly disgusted. Mr Bloomberg, in any case, I congradulate you in your individualist decision, demonstrating yourself to not be bound to party allegiance or ideology.

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