Monday, August 25, 2008

Do We Need Science Education?

A comment on an online article about a science teacher in Florida trying to teach evolution to Christians in the New York Times questions why science education is important. A scientist claimed that science education is not required to be a rational citizen, as they could become tradesmen. I feel strongly compelled to correct him, and so I shall.

We need citizens who are minimally knowledgable in biological science because in a democracy, the people elect officials to make the laws for them, laws that many times regulate scientific practices (such as medicine and pharmaceutical practices), and we run into a very significant problem if the undereducated elect people who, like them, do not understand science. George Dubya Bush is a perfect example of what will happen and continue to happen

If children are not exposed to the scientific method early in life, how are they going to know that it exists? We will not have any researchers, which means: no cancer cures, vaccines, penicillin, Viagra, open heart surgery, or breast enlargement.

All we would be lft with are bloodthirsty, greedy priests, doomsayers, and Christian Scientists. Let's keep science mandatory in public schools .

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

RIP Solzhenitsyn

Solzhenitsyn died last Monday. He was old, but I'm still sad about it.

The Soviet critics and censors witheld the recognition that he and Pasternak deserved within their country: They (though Pasternak wrote only one novel among his many poems), are, I would go so far as to say, the direct inheritors of the Russian literary tradition passed down through Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.

Solzhenitsyn proved much through living and surviving the oppressive Soviet Regime throughout almost the entirety of its existence. However, I feel that his time was soon up: He did what he had to do, and outlasted a government that hated him. But he did not get to enjoy his newfound freedom for long.

RIP Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Cancer Ward
Gulag Archipelago
The Red Wheel:
-August 1914
-November 1916
- [Has yet to be translated]

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

John McCain WILL Destroy America

This is no mindless, leftist rant. I mean every word. During campaign stops, McCain has told his audience, "My 'friends,' I will ask you to serve [your country]...There will be other wars." We've already overstayed our welcome (we were not welcome in the first place) in two countries.

As a "military man," and someone who claims he "know[s] how to win wars," he should know that fighting multiple wars simultaneously (or, for McCainists, "at the same time") is always ruinous.

A man who's only claim to fame is staying in a Vietnamese prison and breathing napalm every morning does not understand that force, especially in political affairs, should never be in any leader's (especially a leader of the so-called "free world") top 20 courses of action. But for McCain, who never learned that there are alternative methods of getting what you want, and will sacrifice every single resource and every single human being to fulfill his vainglorious plan.

That's right. You think Dubya is the worst possible president? Bush saved us from himself with his incompetence. John McCain won't make that mistake, though he's still playing with the same cards.

The old McCain we loved is dead. In his place, the current Republican candidate is a neo-con through and through.