Monday, November 5, 2007

Fall of the RR, Attacking Iran, Why I Can't Believe in a God

The time has come: There are far more pressing issues (in fact, most of the "issues" are non-issues) than "abortion" and "gay marriage," such as Social Security, infinite war (a third preemptive attack is being planned), global warming, etc. James Dobson and his deranged ilk have no plans that appeal to even the most xenophobic of Christians that could possibly even address these real issues. Being responsible for Bush is the Mark of Shame, as unavoidable as Hesther Prynne's "A." On top of their revealed sexual hypocrisy, the blatant, complete failure of Christian ethics in the face of real temptation, they seem stand for something completely alien and misanthropic: Mosaic (Old Testament) law, and this does not appeal to anyone outside the 30% fringe, which is probably less now after the volumes of stories of sexual "deviance" and moral failure.

The RR has gotten the Republican party into disarray, it has been dragged through worse than mud, it has no intellect, its thinktanks have been loaded with ideologues, greedy corporate men who can profit at the expense and exploitation of others with an easy conscience, and unthinking sycophants. The Republican party has an opportunity to fight back. Dobson is still trying to excercise his tyranny upon the party, but his power is noticably waning, as the saner, though authoritarian Guliani is ahead in the Red polls, despite Ayatollah Dobson's warnings. It's time to put the senile 71-year-old Dobson in a nursing home for the mentally impaired. Just because Dobson hates gays doesnt mean you have to, too. Don't be guilty by association.


The Bush War Engine is being lubricated with apolcalyptic rhetoric. Attacking Iran will have catastrophic consequences: Our oil comes from Iran. Iran's allies will shun us. Israel will be invaded. There are better ways of addressing this problem. A third war will tax us so completely that we may as well suffer from complete economic collapse, the kind of dystopia imagined by economists regarding complete oil well consumption: Gas at $10+/gal., inflation skyrockets, the economy is crippled because of extravagant prices. If we attack Iran, it will be over for us. We cannot bomb Iran.


I cannot believe in a god primarily because of the question of motive; the truth is that, while at first glace to the untrained mind, the idea of a higher intelligence, a "watchmaker," looks like a good idea, it raises far more questions than it answers, such as motive. I cannot rule out megalomania. What would the watchmaker want with us? Would it matter to it what we did with certain parts of our anatomy? Why would it matter?

What gave birth to the watchmaker?

What if we arent the "prized creation" that we believe ourselves to be? Most of us believe that extra terrestrial life is quite certain, and what if that race were far more intelligent than we are? What if the "prized creation" were on another planet? What if, being that we are so "imperfect" and "flawed," said god tried again? Perhaps it tried billions upon billions of times? Did it ever get it right? Did it realize that it had to be more tolerant and less domineering to get what it wanted?

Are you sure the Bible wasnt intended for aliens? (more of a joke, but I hope you get my point)