Thursday, May 15, 2008

For All the Nothing He's Doing

He's certainly doing something: This week, Curious George Pubic-Hair committed one of the most vile and indecent acts of his presidency: Our neo-con monkey, the man the worst of us elected to represent the best of us, visited Israel and invoked the most heinous act of human history in a smear campaign against an opponent, specifically Barack Obama. Not only is such an invocation as politically inappropriate and irresponsibe--I expect it from a college Ronpaulian conspiracy theorist, not a [EXPLETIVE] PRESIDENT!--as is possible to be inappropriate and irresponsible, but downright fearmongering on a scale never seen by any public figure: This exceeds the value-voting, gay-baiting Christians; even Jim Jones' apocalyptic wet-dreamers! Curiously Irresponsible George went to the a JEWISH COMMUNITY and tried to scare them WITH THE HOLOCAUST. Do I have to say any more than that? Is there any single thing more insulting, more irresponsible, more reprehensible, than making a partisan talking-point of the Holocaust??? The Republicans did also turn 9/11 into a talking-point, which I thought was bad enough, but now it isn't! What a shameless group of people! "To think people like [you/them]
have once ruled a country" (The Lives of Others 2006)

For invoking the Holocaust in the Israeli parliament, the Jews should have his head! In no way would I imply that they would fall for it (they will look just as stupid as the gay-baited Christians), and they certainly have a right to feel deeply, deeply offended by him trying.

What is even more appalling, is what the result might be if Israel and the Jewish community at large does fall for it: The radicalization of the Jews their its neighbors, leading to the last vestage of an (as far as i can tell) secularized religion crumbling in the fists of hate, leading to an immoral act of aggression the evangelicals exactly what they want...

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