Monday, May 14, 2007

What is This?

The Republican Party lose the election? By a landslide? Where are all of their loyal slaves, are there not enough people signed up for Kids on Fire this year? Are Falwell's sheep defecting? What if Guliani wins the GOP nomination? (Heaven forbid! An anti-hypocrisy [see previous posts] right-wing candidate!) How could James Dobson not like the current GOP contenders? All but two are theocratic WASCs! And those have no domestic policy; they just keep ejaculating the same schpiel (spelling) on Iraq! I'm sure they would all be for ejecting Leslie Newman's children's books from public libraries, or be willing to burn them! Perfect!

And what ever happened to End-Times prophecy? Why this change of heart for Global Warming? Isn't that good? Jesus the Klansman is going to come and take them away after we set the world on fire and everyone else can suffer for all eternity. Since when did people care about Genesis over Revelations? Fundamentalists and cherrypicking! No! You know what Capital G says about that! What kind of example are you setting?

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