Curious George and his minions strike again, this time for the WORST decision I have listed in my recent previous posts.
The notorious Plum Island biochemical experimental facility on the east coast, which is currently dealing with diseases that only affect animals, is going to be moved. Where are they moving it to? NEAR FARMLAND.
Some think Bush is destroying the government to prove a point, that you can't depend on the gov't, but this decision goes far beyond that: Not only can you not depend onn the gov't, but you can't even depend on the gov't to leave you alone.
Such a move in itself, depending on the voting patterns of agricultural union members, could be an act of bioterrorism. We can expect Congress to do nothing, and our megalomaniac yet idiotic executive to get whatever he wants.
The only voice I hear crying "Death to America!" is yours, Mr Bush. It is you, and the undereducated fundamentalist rabble-rousers who elected you who cause me to so despise this nation, on top of our imperialistic history. Most of us have learned and want to do the right thing, but your stubborn stupidity stands in our way. We know why you went into Iraq, we know why you hate science, we know everything. We know that you, and the people who elected you, such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and James Dobson, and all of the Republican sycophants at Fox News, hate America [700 Club September 13th, 2001] and can (and did) do more damage to it than Osama bin Laden could dream of. Get out of the White House. Now.
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