Saturday, July 7, 2007

"Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right"

"Clinton did it!" So does that mean Scooter Libby and the Republican mafia-esque loyalists should be let go? Lying about a sex scandal and lying under oath about national security matters are two entirely different circumstances. Libby WAS convicted, but Clinton wasn't. "Clinton did it" is the main argument used by Republicans in the Scooter Libby case. Yet, if they will care to remember back in the 2000 campaign, their idol, George W Bush, specifically said that he would not be another Clinton. The main reason why he won was because he was supposed to bring integrity back to the Oval Office. And he did not. This is something Republican officials fear most: The realization that their "Man of Integrity" has a backbone made of glass. Just examine his conduct towards large companies, specifically oil companies. "Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right" was back when you were kids. You're in your 50s and beyond. Besides the fact that Republicans are supposed to be "tough on crime": except when it's one of the Family. "OMG Clinton received a blowjob from an intern! We need to get him out!" is now: "Uh-oh! One of our loyalists committed a crime! Who do we pay to get him out?" It's all very funny to me. So much for "God" and "morality" and "virtues" and "values." I think I'll quote Tolstoy again now:

"Could it be that all the talk about justice, goodness, law, religion, God, and so on, was nothing but so many words to conceal the grossest self-interest and cruelty?" Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy, p. 387

So the question is, has there been enough of this self-righteous, arrogant hypocrisy to get the religious fascists to go away yet?


I dont think we should celebrate July 4th anymore. We don't know what it means anymore. Today, for all most of us care, we could be under the theocratic rule of a King of England, and wouldnt be able to tell the difference. Some of us forget when 9/11 happened.

The terms "freedom" and "liberty" have lost their true meaning in Tsar Bush II's xenophobic rants. Most of us take our freedom for granted and really don't (or can't) understand the consequences of his terms in office in relation to what we supposedly have/had (a democracy).

I understand. Keith Olbermann understands. Edward Murrow understood (Murrow was the journalist who revealed Joseph McCarthy as a Communist). Al Gore understands. Tricky Dick II understands (The first Tricky Dick was Nixon, the second is Cheney; he's not stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing and is deliberately doing it). Christian fascist leaders must understand. The average American does not understand. And that is why American democracy will fail unless we (those of us who know) do something.

We should not only relearn our political history, but each and every one of us should have a copy of the US Constitution in our homes and actually read it and understand it. Until then, there can be no holiday for what we as a nation do not remember or consider relevent.

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