Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Theocracy, Lying to Kids, Tyranny, and Abortion

I saw the first 30-45 minutes of the GOP debates, and then I got bored and scared. The issues relevant to me were touched upon, and I did not like their positions at all. America is not a "faith-based experiment," as it was intended to keep government entirely free of what Lou Dobbs called "adventurists," but I call theocrats. And, Mr Brownback, Bush II did invite faith into the public sphere - and look what happened! Two Supreme Court Justices who were appointed specifically because of their 16th century views showed themselves to be entirely unqualified for the position, perhaps moreso than Bush's mistress, Harriet Meirs, after entirely bungling an abortion case because of religious misogyny. Congress intervened in a man's private life on behalf of a woman who had been comatose for 13 years. So he married soon after. He moved on during those 13 years because he knew that she would never recover and was basically dead. And lastly, the stupidity of "Intelligent Design," and the "legitimacy" of Becky Fischer's Hitler Youth-esque children's camp, Kids on Fire.

Around the country, in this era of Theoconservatism, parents have been vying for the power to lie, not only to their own kids, but to other people's kids as well. I'm talking about sexual education and Intelligent Design. If you want to screw up your own kids, fine, take them out of the public schools. But no parent should ever be given power over anyone else's kids unless specific consent is given and there is a relationship between the two families. I call what happened in Kansas and around the country tyranny.

Tyranny. The only difference between democracy and other forms of government is that the people get to pick which dictator they want to be enslaved by. Government, in this country, is only a mechanism by which one group of people can gain power over everyone else. It is a public institution utilized solely for private interests. From slavery to the Mexican War to WW1 to engagements during the Cold War to Iraq and the "War on Terror", this country has never been interested in "liberty for all" even once in its entire existence. I know why people hate this country. And their hate is mostly justified. We betray a thousand-fold the ideals that formed this country in the first place. We aren't the Great Satan, but we are the Great Hypocrite. Formed by conquest (Spanish imperialization), thus we conquer others.

Abortion. No longer should the Pro-Choice position be called "Pro-Choice." It should instead be called "Anti-Hypocrisy." The majority of pro-lifers in this country also support the War in Iraq. And war = death, the opposite of life. They also support Capital Punishment, which is also not life. And they are not up, either, on quality of life. I think (this is merely my hypothesis) that it is to support the Krieg Machina. No abortions leads to many abandoned children (build more indoctrinating centers! Make Kids on Fire a year-round educational facility), who will then be kicked out onto the streets at 18. Eighteen is also the legal age to join the military, and recruiting tactics have never been anywhere close to honest. Come on, pump up that theo-nationalism!
So who's pro-life again?

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